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YOUR Story

OK, now you've heard my story up to this time, now I'd like to hear yours!

 If you decide to submit your personal story  to me to add to the collection I hope to publish here, please email it to me. If you find you need to make corrections after you've sent me your story, please send those and I'll make the requested changes the next time I do a site update.

 Not too long ago one of my best friends and I were talking about things we don't often see on the net concerning other sisters. My favorite things to hear are the TRUE stories detailing how a sister came out to her significant other and what the results were. Some of these stories really are touching and will pull at your heart's strings, some are horror stories, some start out having you think that the world crashed down around the story teller but turn out to be really fantastic, the list could go on and on.

 There are quite a few web sites with CD stories available, however most of those are fiction and fantasy type stories. What is far more useful to CDs who are considering coming out to their spouses, or those who already have and are having a rough time with it, would be REAL LIFE true stories by REAL CDs. With this in mind I would like to solicit your story, if you have one you'd like to tell. You don't need to be a literary genius to submit your true story and don't worry about spelling or grammatical errors. Your submission will be proof read, spell checked, and grammatical errors corrected as necessary. Tell it from your heart just as you remember it happening. The one criteria which is required (aside from the story being true) is to keep it CLEAN. By clean, I mean leave the profanity out of it and spare us from any graphic descriptions of sexual acts. If sexual acts are involved in the story, they can be described tactfully if it is absolutely necessary to make the story clear. Otherwise please leave those references out. One other thing you would probably want to consider is the use of alias names rather than the actual ones. This preserves the anonymity of both you, your spouse, and anyone else who may be identified in the story.

If you are considering sending a story to me to be included in the collection I hope to publish (and I really hope you are) here are a few ideas to get you started as you put thoughts into print. Don't limit yourself to just these ideas since I'm sure you have a lot of your own.

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