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Wigs And Makeup Concerns
(A special page for the GG's)

In the “The Secret Wardrobe” (a heterosexual crossdressing group which I moderate), a recent post by one of our wives expressed a concern that her husband wearing a wig was a MAJOR obstacle for her as well as for many other wives, girlfriends, etc, who were otherwise reasonably comfortable with their significant other’s crossdressing. It became apparent that this seemed to be true for quite a few of these ladies and the message posted generated several replies. After thinking about this for a while I posted the following reply:

It's very true that a wig will completely change someone's overall look. That's one thing that many women may not realize about THEMSELVES when they change hair colors or hair styles. Although it's not usually a negative change, it's sometimes a DRASTIC one. Oddly enough the person who has made the change doesn't feel any different internally other than being happier with the way perceive themselves to look and the way the new style actually feels. But (depending upon how different the new style is compared to their previous one) it usually IS a totally different look than they've had before and this is usually the way others see it.

This is exactly the same thing that happens when a CD puts on a wig since that's the ONE article that can make the most abrupt change in appearance. And even though there is no change in the person wearing the wig, the APPEARANCE is drastically different to others. This can also be true for other articles - especially bras - since the wife/girlfriend isn't accusttomed to seeing what appears to be breasts on her man.

It takes a very special woman to accept her CD wearing wigs, bras, and makeup. These special GGs have to have the ability to realize that what's underneath all the feminine trappings is STILL their man - nothing less, nothing more - and a special tip of the hat (or courtesy if appropriate) to those of you GGs who have learned and applied this bit of knowledge.

After a little more thinking about this, it occurred to me that there are other aspects of crossdressing which can have similar effects, those being the wearing of makeup and bras. In combination, the wearing of these items are capable of making the MOST drastic changes in one’s appearance and therefore can have more of an impact on a spouse than anything in the form of clothing. When you think about it, a person’s face it almost always the first thing others notice about someone else so it’s only reasonable that changes in that face are subject to being where most of the attention is focused. Since both the hair style as well as makeup are well capable of making marked changes in this area it stands to reason that there is a possibility that the observer may temporarily ‘lose sight’ of the real person underneath it all. They’re the same person they’ve always been, it’s just that they look differently.

It’s obvious that the changes that these items have the capability of making can be quite dramatic. Women are well aware of this, use it frequently to their advantage, and it isn’t at all unusual for those who want to do so to change their hair style or color. Similarly, there are very often new cosmetic products introduced in the marketplace to enhance one’s looks or to encourage NEW trends. Some women enjoy this change of pace and there is no doubt that creating a new ‘look’ can be a boost to a woman’s perspective of herself.

Now enters the male-to-female crossdresser. He may, or may not, be aware of the abrupt changes in his physical appearance that wearing any or all of the above described items might make.  Over the length of their relationship he has seen many times what these items have done for his wife or girlfriend, as well as for other women, and he has come to accept the fact that regardless of what they do which might change their appearance, they are still the same person underneath all the hair, makeup, clothes and shoes. It has become commonplace for him and as a general rule he has no objections to such changes. What he DOESN’T understand is why, when he wants to wear the same articles for a short period of time, it seems to be such a challenge for his wife/girlfriend to understand the same thing. After all – he’s still the same person underneath all the feminine trappings, he just looks different. It goes without saying that the change in HIS appearance is a lot more pronounced than his wife or girlfriend’s might be since he IS emulating the opposite of his birth gender. But in the grand scheme of things that’s precisely what he’s doing – EMULATING that which he simply adores and has a deep appreciation for. He doesn’t have any desire to be a woman, but he does want to TRY to experience the emotional feelings he is firmly convinced that most women feel when they know they have been successful in making themselves attractive. His way of accomplishing this is simply by wearing that which he associates with the object of his appreciation for brief periods of time.

If you are reading this, and you’re one of the women who has reservations about your crossdresser wearing the “full regalia”, just think about it – he’s still the same man whether he’s wearing a pair of greasy overalls or a glamorous gown with all the trimmings. What’s left when you take it all off is the same thing that was there before, and the same thing that will be there the next time.

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