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Who Are We?

I heard a newscaster ask one day just who were these crossdressers we hear about from time to time. It started me thinking about that very question and the more I thought, the more I decided it might be a good idea to put it down on paper. Here are the results.

To start with let’s first make it crystal clear who we are NOT. We are not those people you see regularly on the Jerry Springer show. Yes, they put on a dress and profess to be crossdressers, but they’re a far cry from what is a real crossdresser. The problem is that this tiny group of people are the very ones who are in the limelight and producing all the negative images that are so degrading to those of us who aren’t that way at all. And we’re not the perverts, child molesters, murders, or sensationalists seen on and read about in the news every day either.

So just who ARE we? We’re the doctors who have performed life saving operations on you and/or your loved ones, we’re the airline pilots who have taken the responsibility for your safety while taking you to 40,000 feet and propelling you along at 600 miles per hour, we’re the dentists who relieved you of your toothaches or attended to your braces so you would have a pretty smile and healthy teeth. We’re the policemen who risk our own lives daily to keep you safe from the criminal element that is so rampant in our society today. We’re the soldiers who have gone to battle and returned home missing a foot, hand, arm, leg, eye, or worse yet come home in a cold steel box. We’re the people in the common trades such as carpenters, electricians, and plumbers who built the houses you live in. We’re the politicians all the way from the mayors of the smallest towns to senators, congressmen , and high ranking military leaders. Some of us were in the world trade centers on 9/11/01 when tragedy struck, and some of us were the firemen and emergency medical technicians who were inside those buildings when they collapsed on top of us. Still others were those of us who faced the gruesome task of recovering the bodies we could find and mourning those we couldn’t. We’re the truck drivers who sacrifice weeks at a time away from home delivering your goods and services. We’re the farmers who work to keep food on your table. We’re the teachers who educated you in school and college and who are now educating your children. We’re your pastors and Sunday school teachers. We’re the common citizens who rolled up our sleeves and gave of our very own blood when disaster struck. We’re the ones who cared enough to donate our organs when we no longer had any use for them to save the lives of your loved ones and possibly even you. When that tornado or flood or whatever other disaster came along, we were the ones who neglected our own needs and dug in to help everybody else. We’re the ones who were running around out in the cold and rain and lightening the night that awful storm came through and knocked out all the power just so you wouldn’t freeze to death. We’re the mechanics who fixed your car, the construction workers who built the roads you drive that car over every day. We’re the waiters who served your meal when you went out to dinner last week. We’re the ambulance drivers who got you to the hospital safely after that bad accident. We’re the friends and neighbors who supported you and gave you a shoulder to cry on when a loved one passed away. We’re the drivers who cared enough to stop and see if we could help you when your car left you stranded on the side of the road that night when it was cold and raining. Remember that star quarterback that scored the winning touchdown in the biggest game of the season? That's right - he's a crossdresser too. And let's not forget about his coach and team mates, football isn't the only 'team' they're a member of.

We touch your lives every day – and you touch ours. So who and where are we? We’re everybody and we’re everywhere. Crossdressing crosses all barriers of race, creed, age, national origin, and social status. Realizing that 10% of the male population crossdresses to some extent makes it pretty obvious that you know several of us. You just aren’t aware of it because society has not yet educated itself about us so there is a great deal of ignorance within society about crossdressing. And until society DOES acknowledge that we are no more abnormal than any of the rest of its average members, we are forced to maintain our anonymous position.  Crossdressing is not a disease and it’s not something to be fearful of. It’s not contagious so you won’t have to be concerned about someone passing it on to you. It’s something one is born with. The primary reason for crossdressing is to provide an outwardly visible outlet of expression to an invisible inward feeling and emotion. It has nothing at all to do with one’s sexual persuasion.

The next time you see someone pointing an accusing finger at a crossdresser, poking fun at them, and proclaiming them to be a pervert, stop and think about this. What if that person happened to be one of those listed above who was possibly the person who did something that saved your life or that of someone you loved in the past. Just how “perverted” was this person at that time? Going a step farther, what if this person is one destined to save your life next week?  When we were born we  didn’t have a choice about being that one in every ten who would be a crossdresser. With this in mind, I leave you with the following: What if this person pointing their finger had BEEN that one in ten who was born a crossdresser?. Something to think long and hard about, isn’t it?

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