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The "Other Woman"

You found a pair of panties, stockings and maybe even a bra in his car. Or maybe you found some kind of suitcase or other kind of suitable storage container with a bunch of women's clothes in it that you know aren't yours. Maybe you found some pictures of a 'strange woman' in this container or elsewhere. Your first thoughts are that he's having an affair. There's 'another woman' in the picture and she's in competition with you for your man's attention.

 While it COULD be true that there is indeed another woman he's seeing secretly,  in most cases it's likely that it's something you may not have even dreamed of. This 'other woman' and your husband (or boyfriend) are very possibly one in the same. That's right, this feminine paraphernalia you've stumbled across could very well belong to your man! If the items include wig(s), high heeled shoes, stockings, and ESPECIALLY what appears to be an entire drug store's cosmetic section, you can just about assure yourself that these are most definitely his property and what you've uncovered is everything required for a crossdresser to transform himself into his feminine persona.

 If what you've found is but a few items that actually COULD belong to another woman, I'm sure that your next step would most likely be a confrontation with him to determine just who these things belonged to and why were they in his possession.

 However, if what you've discovered is basically the entire array of items described above, you can pretty much bet that they're his and that he's wearing them when he finds an opportunity to do so. So NOW what's your plan of action? Do you quickly pack a few bare essentials and run screaming out the door? Or are you a little more curious and want to find out more about this secret life he's been living?

 If these things do turn out to belong to him, then yes, there IS 'another woman' in his life. BUT. . . she's a different type of 'woman', and one that you've probably never consciously met before.  Notice that I said 'consciously' met before. The reason for putting it that way is because you actually have met many 'women' like her thousands of times in your life - you just weren't aware of it because for their own safety,  security, and that of their spouses and family they are forced to remain hidden.

 So, what about this new person? What's she doing here mixed up in YOUR life? Where did she come from? How long has she been here? This is something that you've heard about happening to other people but why is it happening to YOU now? Will she leave if you raise a big fuss about it? Will she get out of your life and stay out of it?

 I'm not trying to be  comical here because these are real questions, they're serious, and they deserve serious consideration and honest, informed answers. So where do you go from here? Most of the questions you now have can be answered within this web site. Some of them can't be answered at all (for example: What causes someone to be a crossdresser). You are encouraged to read the material on this site to learn all you can about this phenomenon we call crossdressing. Just to fill you in on a few of the above questions here are a few brief answers:

  Q:    What's she doing here mixed up in YOUR life?
A:    There was no choice in the matter. She was a part of the man you married (or the boyfriend you're going with) from the time you met him.

Q:    Where did she came from?
A:    She was there with your significant other from the time of his birth. Even HE wasn't aware of this feminine presence until probably around the age of 6 to 12 years old.

Q:    How long has she been here?
A:    Simply put, for as long as he's been alive.

Q:    This is something that you've heard about happening to other people but why is it happening to YOU now?
A:    The truth is that it happens daily to more people than you might have ever imagined. Crossdressing isn't a respecter of one's race, creed, color, national origin, social status,  religion, occupation, or their gender (yes, there ARE women who crossdress as males).

Q:    Will she leave if you raise a big fuss about it?
A:    She might APPEAR to leave. In fact, you might be successful in demanding that all his feminine paraphernalia be thrown away or destroyed and even witness this take place. Maybe this will lead you to believe that it's over and done with and that you've been successful in eradicating this 'problem' once and for all. But read on. . .

Q:    Will she get out of your life and stay out of it?
A:    Don't fool yourself into believing that, just because the material items have been disposed of,  'she' is no longer a part of your life. All that's really happened is that you've driven her underground. Have you ever heard the old expression "You can take the boy out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the boy" ? OK, the same thing rings true for the crossdresser. you can take away his feminine articles, but his inborn NEED to dress is something you'll never be able to do away with. Furthermore, it's very possible that you've alienated your man by rejecting something that is just as much a part of him as is his arms and legs. If this is the case you will probably see a withdrawal of a lot of the characteristics that made him attractive to you. These very characteristics were, in almost every case, largely due to his internal feminine attributes - the attributes you didn't want in your life.

So what do you DO about this "Other Woman"? My suggestion would be to research crossdressing before you make a move that might be life altering. I've put a lot of time and effort into the material on this web site and taken care to see to it that it was as factual as possible. But most of all, I've kept the information here clean and informative and that's why I'm confident about the material you will find here.

I do encourage you to look elsewhere for additional information, but at the same time I would caution you to be aware that there are a lot of "less than desirable" sites and groups out there that can easily lead you in the wrong direction. As a reader/researcher I trust that you would be wise in the material you access, and to look for the truth in  the facts as they are presented to you.

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