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A "Must Read" for everyone


In my ongoing quest for information and opinions related to crossdressing I often frequent several different forums. What follows is a post from a distraught wife who learned of her husband's crossdressing about 6 months into the marriage and posted this message to one of the forums. The marriage is presently 10 years old. She had listed 8 very thought provoking and serious questions which were replied to by several readers who, for the most part, were providing serious answers to her questions. One of these replies stood out to me and you can tell that it came straight from the heart of the replier. I think his answers were well thought out and will reflect the same sentiments that a great many crossdressers feel. Naturally there is some information which is specific to this particular person, but a lot of what he wrote is common to most of us. I am including it here after procuring the kind permission of the responder in hopes that it might be of benefit to someone who might read it - be it crossdresser or his wife or girlfriend. Both the original post and the reply are completely unedited and appear exactly as they did in the source where I found them. The only things that have been omitted are the screen name of the person who wrote the reply (at his request), and that of the original poster. Also at his request he asked that I mention the following (in his own words): "You can add to your introduction to this piece that I am a middle manager who tries desperately to hold this demon at bay. I have no desire to be a public figure and continue everyday of my life to try to find a "cure" for this condition." My personal opinion is that crossdressing isn't a 'demon', as he has referred to it, but rather a very unusual gift that some of us have received to learn to live and cope with, but some DO see it as somewhat of a curse and they are indeed entitled to those opinions. 

One other thing that bears mentioning is that the original poster received numerous replies that were harsh and completely void of sympathy for the seriousness of the questions she was asking in all sincerity. We NEED to be cognizant of these women's desires to know the answers to these types of questions in the sincerity in which they are asked.


First off, I've been happily married for almost 10 yeears. I found out about the cd'ing about 6 months into the marriage. I was furious about being lied to. I just come here a lot and read. I've never posted before, but think I finally have my thoughts together. It may be a long post, so bear with me if you will. 

1. Why do you all think it's so preposterous that a majority of people think your'e gay? 

2. Why all of the secrecy and lies to someone you are saying you love more than anything and want to spend the rest of your life with?

3. Why is it so horrible if a wife/so does NOT support it? I don't feel that is necessary to have a happy marriage. 

4. Why do a lot of you find it appropriate to tell children? That one bothers me the most about any subject in here. 

5. Why is there a so called "need" to go out in public? If you dress just to express your fem side, you can do that at home. I 
feel that going out has a sexual satisfaction to it or there wouldn't be the need.

6. still with me? I'm surprised if you are.

7. Why is it necessary to do the whole get up, fake breasts, shaving, etc. if you don't want to be a woman?

8. Why should I make it a point to find out more and be understanding and supportive? Everyone is always pushing the so's to get support. I don't need support, you do. 

Good Evening,

As I write this I am unable to look at the forum and see if others responded to your questions. So I do apologize if this repeats an answer. I wanted to think this over since if I didn't know better I'd think it was my wife writing these questions. But since she can't find the power button to the computer let alone know how to navigate the web I know it is not her.

I will answer all the questions separately but as I thought about these I realized that one single word seems to lead or be a significant part of the questions. And that word is "why?" So in the event that you do not want to read a long post I will answer 
all your questions in a single paragraph at the outset.

Why? I don't know! I am being totally honest here, I don't know why I want to do this or continue to do this. I am reasonably intelligent, pretty well grounded in my life in general, have a good job, a loving wife, and have children that love me and look to me as a person of strength and wisdom (they are adults, we are past the point when they knew I was an idiot). I know why I started 45 years ago, but for all the pain this has caused me in my life, and the short moments of pleasure I would think that my now 56-year-old mind would simply say, ENOUGH!

Having said this let me proceed with your questions. I can tell you right up front, there are those that read and post to this board that will heartily disagree with my thoughts. It may even get me flamed since my thoughts are not always the thoughts of this group. I have never had counseling for this obsession by any professional but have read extensively on the topic of Cding and all the variations of this and other fetishes and deviations from what is considered normal.

1. Why do you all think it's so preposterous that a majority of people think you're gay?

I think that anytime people don't understand something they feel a need to label it so that it fits into a slot that they can come to grips with. As a male child of the 1950's wearing a yellow shirt meant you were queer (sorry, it was the word for gay at that time). Yet that same child of the 1950's could wear pink or powder blue or any other color that has been identified as female and not have an eyebrow raised. Gay is easy to understand, even for old rednecks, gay means that you are different and can be put in a slot that can be dealt with. But wearing an article of women's clothing, "why you must be gay, a straight guy would never do that!"

2. Why all of the secrecy and lies to someone you are saying you love more than anything and want to spend the rest of your life with?

Because this is the way it all began, a huge secret because if it ever got out that I like the softer side of life (think clothing) I'd be labeled as gay and I am not gay. I have never felt and attraction for a man other than the normal love I felt for my father and the kinship I felt from my brothers, uncles, and guy friends at school. I have been in the closet my entire life and the smell of mothballs has probably damaged my brain (my attempt at humor to lighten this up a bit, sorry). I do not want to hurt you, or anyone else for that matter, with my choices of clothing. I only want to feel that softer side of me that I can't explain.

3. Why is it so horrible if a wife/SO does NOT support it? I don't feel that is necessary to have a happy marriage.

Hmmm, tough one. First let me define what I think of as support, this is different for everyone, but here goes. I want my wife to know that nothing I do in the privacy of my mind (think closet) is intended to hurt her or the children. I want her to be able to look me in the eye and ask, how was your day, and know that I might just tell her that I had a horrible day. And then I would tell her how strong the desire was to dress or shop or just say a word or phrase out loud, such as pantyhose, or bra, or girdle. For some support means that they can dress in front of their wife, I have never wanted this, what I do is private and will always be private. I can't address support beyond this, but I know in my heart that most CD's don't do this and ask for support to hurt or embarrass anyone.

4. Why do a lot of you find it appropriate to tell children? That one bothers me the most about any subject in here. 

Let's define children. There are young children that are under the age of consent (let's use 18 and under here) and there are adult children. I absolutely would NEVER think of telling a young child about this. If at the age of 30, 40, and now 56 I can't explain it to myself how on God's green earth am I going to tell a young child about this? As far as telling adult children I think every case is different. My children know nothing of this and I intend to keep it that way. But this is an area where honesty comes out again, is it being dishonest to keep this a secret from the family? Some may have a huge problem wanting secrets in the family. I will not try to get into the whole subject of those who CD and want to live as a women and want to take hormones, that is a subject beyond your question. But I will say that if SRS is in the picture children have a right to know why Daddy will start looking more like a Mommy and may find him/herself out of the house for good.

5. Why is there a so-called "need" to go out in public? If you dress just to express your fem side, you can do that at home. I feel that going out has a sexual satisfaction to it or there wouldn't be the need.

Honestly, I don't understand this either since my dressing is a private thing. But let me say that there have been those quiet moments while being completely dressed and setting alone in a motel while on a business trip when I thought, "I wonder if I could grab my room key, a dollar, and get to the pop machine and back without being outed?" Perhaps this is where going out dressed starts, and unlike you, I don't think it is sexual gratification, but the thrill. I think risk taking is part of this whole thing. We are all risking our reputations, marriages, and jobs by being involved in this to start with. When that risk fails to give us a lift in spirits do we then want to take it to the next step? Thank goodness my mind keeps me from trying to make the long walk to the pop machine and back.

6. Still with me? I'm surprised if you are.

Yup, I'm still here, and I hope you are as well. I don't know why you'd be surprised that I'd stick with your post. You see, you have not asked a single question that I have not asked myself a hundred thousand times before.

7. Why is it necessary to do the whole get up, fake breasts, shaving, etc. if you don't want to be a woman?

I don't want to get personal here and hurt your feelings, nor do I want to make this post something that will get me booted off this board. But lets go back to pre-puberty and let me ask you why you might have put on Mom's or older sister's bra and stuffed it with tissue? Perhaps you wanted to see what you'd look like fully developed, or perhaps you were unsure if you even wanted breasts, or maybe you just felt unsure of yourself. Your reasons don't matter as much as the fact that if you were like most little girls you played dress-up and had fun doing it. If I put on a bra I don't want it to hang on me, I want that feminine shape. And after a while I got tired of a lumpy looking bra that was stuffed with anything that I could find. As to shaving, I like the way it feels. No one ever asks you why you shave your legs, under arms, or other parts of your body. Do they? In fact a woman in today's world that didn't shave would be noticed quicker than one that does. I personally don't do make-up or a wig, but if I did it would be to complete the look. I know some shrink would have a hay day with this paragraph, but if my goal is to be feminine for a moment or an hour or a day, why should I not try to be pretty?

If you will excuse me one rant in all of this here it is. Why is it cute for a little girl to put on Daddy's shirt and hat and slip into his shoes and pretend to be Daddy? But when a young boy slips into anything female it is a problem? Why is it that a teenage girl can wear her dad's boxer shorts as outerwear and it is fashion? Why is it that every male garment has a copy in the female arena, and some, like boy-leg panties, even carry the name? Yet a man can't wear anything female without fearing the wrath of the world! Why is it that the only way a man can dress as a woman is if he makes a joke of it (think Halloween and men dressing to look like hookers), yet a woman can dress in a suit that looks exactly like a man's and no one thinks a thing of it? Whew, I feel better now, I'll continue.......

8. Why should I make it a point to find out more and be understanding and supportive? Everyone is always pushing the SO's to get support. I don't need support, you do. 

You are 100% right, I need support. If I can't find it at home then I will find it elsewhere, either at the shrink's office at some huge price or perhaps I will want to dress and go out to a place where there are others who understand our mutual need to dress. We don't know why we do this when our adult minds tell us it is not acceptable, but we know that someone that is dressed will understand that some inner need is compelling me and there is support in knowing that the person looking at me knows something about it. There is support in this group. Not all those who post here will agree with my thoughts, but they for the most part will respect me enough to allow me this indulgence. Will I get this same understanding at home?

As to do you need to understand I will ask this. If I were alcoholic or drug addicted, would you try to understand me and support me as I tried to get through my dependency? If I had cancer or back trouble would you want to be there helping me get through the tough times or would you want to shove me off in a corner with medical professional and say, "when you're better come on back into my life." If I had a mental illness or depression would you want me to go away until I got better? In all of these things I think if you are a loving wife you would read every article you could and try to find ways to support me. You might join ALANON or NARCONON (I hope I have the abbreviations correct) in an attempt to find out what you could do to support me and yourself. If I had cancer you'd find me the best professional help possible to cure it, and if a cure wasn't to happen you'd set by my bed until I breathed my last breath.

But because I am a cross dresser you want me to stop what I do, never talk about it or my desires, and never do or say anything that will make you think I am back sliding. You don't want to read an article, book or website to discover some of the problems you and I will face. You only want it to "just go away!"

Well this will never just go away. I will get personnel here because I believe so much of what has happened in the last 40 odd years goes back to a single moment or two at the age of 11. And perhaps others can attest to this as well. When this all started I had some need to experiment, I won't go into my need since it is personal, but I know that at the very moment that I touched my first garment I began a journey of a lifetime. But this moment is not what drove this so deeply in my mind, no it was my mother who represented society in general. When we discover our children experimenting in things we think will hurt them we almost always over react, in my humble opinion. We scold, threaten, spank, punish, ground them, all sorts of ways to get their attention. But rare is the parent that says, "Gee this doesn't look good, lets set down and talk about this and see where it takes us." Rare is the parent that says this last line and means it, many may say it but will bring there bias with them and know that in the end, "I am the parent and I can mold this child's mind to my way of thinking."

Now if you're still with me, and I hope you are, here is the root of all the evil, this is the birth of my demon. In that moment at eleven years old when my mother discovered my secret was shocked, embarrassed, angry and turned away. Are you turning away from your husband right now? Because if you are you are cementing in his mind the same thing he has felt his entire life, that is, he is different and doesn't fit anywhere. What you say, how you look at him, and how you treat him will affect him for the rest of his life.

Unlike a mother of the 1950's who came from the depression era and felt her son had to be queer and the best way to deal with it was to shun him, you have a choice. It is clear, divorce him or learn what it is that gnaws at his mind and soul. I refer to this as my demon, some on this board don't like that term, and I also refer to it as feeding the beast when I allow myself to dress or shop. Perhaps your husband has a different take on it, but in the end he and I are the same person inside, we did not wake up one morning and say, "I think I will try on some women's clothing today and see how it feels."

But somewhere along the line, either as a child or as a young adult we began to want something that society doesn't understand. If we suppress it we suppress part of ourselves. And if we suppress it long enough it is possible we'll blow a gasket and act out 
in a self-destructive way that will hurt everyone around us. I'm not talking suicide or hurting you or the family physically here, I am saying that we may do exactly what a drunk does, go on a binge that will lead to financial and personal ruin.

How hard would it be to read some articles on this subject, think long and hard about what it is that he is asking for as far as support goes? How hard would it be to speak to a medical professional about this or ask your husband if he'd submit to mutual therapy? I am not saying that you will seek a cure, but rather I think you need to find out exactly what he wants and then decide if you can do this. Try to understand that some inner force is driving this and there is no pill or vaccination that will make it go away without altering who and what he is. Don't drive a wedge between you that will never go away.

I could not stand by my mother's bedside as they pulled life support. I ran away and hid down the hall as the life left her body. My wife found me trembling and sobbing and thought it was total grief at Mom's passing. Those in the extended family felt it was because I was weak, but the real reason was that I knew she would pass on without knowing that her son was still plagued with a desire he couldn't explain. He was still trying to tame the beast inside, but he was not gay and he did not do this to hurt her. I could not, even as she lie in a coma, tell her, "Mom, I love you and I am sorry that my pre-pubescent mind put me in a position that caused you the pain of thinking your son was doing this to hurt you." I am not mentioning all this in a play for sympathy. I mention it because her death was a turning point in my life. I went through several months of shock and disbelief at her sudden and unexpected death and when this wore off I fell into a pit of self-despair and self-loathing for my weakness in telling her what I thought.

When I pulled myself out of this pit of despair I determined that I would never let something go unsaid again, regardless of the potential hurt or embarrassment that it might cause. We never know what twists and turns life has in store for us, and at those final moments when we look back at how we treated our loved ones we should have no regrets for not saying what needed to be said. The real root of my despair was that I didn't try to reconnect with my mother after 35 years of awkward silence between us. She did nothing to try to understand what was going on in my pre-pubescent mind, and although a full understanding of a cross dressing child may not have been readily available in the late 1950's, certainly love should have been able to conquer any lack of knowledge.

Don't let your lack of knowledge on your part force you apart. Don't let your fear of what he might want you to do make you turn away from him. But don't let him bully you into doing his bidding, if you can't accept what he wants but instead be open and honest with him and your limits and then move on with your life. Because in the end, if you two really are meant to be partners for life, you should be able to find a way through this. You said that it is not you that needs support but it is me. Yes I need support, but if you plan to continue married life with a CD then you are going to need some sort of support structure. There is no way that you can ignore this and expect that it will just go away. I have made a solid commitment to my wife that I will stop dressing, and for 13 months I have been 100% faithful to this promise. Not once during that time did we discuss it, but it was still there between us. And as we head for those golden years of retirement it is my hope that the thoughts and memory of my behavior will dim in our memories, but until it does, if it does, it will be between us.

Your final words were:

Thanks and I look forward to all of the replies.

And my final word, thank you for reading and if you choose to comment I will be happy to read your thoughts. If you choose not to respond then I at least hope you will look for some support, either professional, or self study, that will help you understand that your husband is fulfilling some inner need and the way you react will determine how the rest of his life, and yours, will come out.

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