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The Future  

One experience I have yet to have is that of a personal meeting with another CD. I'm working on it, but as of the present time this event has not occurred. Yes, I'm nervous about it and if this meeting happens in or near my home town I have no doubt that I will be in 'drab' (i.e. 'dressed as a boy' for those who are not familiar with CD jargon) due to reasons of security. If it is an out-of-town meeting I would prefer to be in 'drag' (i.e. 'dressed as a girl') even though I would be more nervous than a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs! This is partly because of my desire to look my best at my first meeting, the rest being out in view of the public. (I've been out while dressed several times, but only to drive around. NEVER to actually mix with other people.)

UPDATE October 9, 2000. As of September 26, 2000, the above described event has occurred. See 'The Present' for details.

Now, a future goal is to meet a sister while dressed. This will be much more complicated than my first meetings and will require a LOT more planning and preparation.

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