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For The Wives And Girlfriends

Of Crossdressers

There are a lot of sites on the web which deal with the subject of crossdressing. Some are utterly useless as far as providing support to those who might access the site, some have support for the crossdresser himself, and a few try to provide something for both the crossdresser as well as his wife/girlfriend. It is my hope that you, as a reader, will find something here that will help you in some way regardless of your status.

OK, your husband (or boyfriend as the case may be) has just dropped a bombshell on you when he told you that he was a crossdresser. You may have felt sick to your stomach, afraid, mad, deceived, or any number of emotions separately or all at once. It took you a while to settle down and now you're looking for some answers. You may not want to hear what I can tell you simply because of the fact that I am also a crossdresser. If it's any consolation to you, my wife of 33 years has never accepted it either. But she HAS learned a few things about it that you might not know and that's made things a little easier to cope with.

To begin with, it might surprise you to learn that conservative estimates indicate that from 5% to 10% of all men crossdress on a regular basis to some degree or another. This would put them in a minority group, but you have to admit that 10% would be a lot of men in the United States alone - let alone the whole world. There was a time in the past when crossdressing was looked upon as a deviant behavior and those who participated in it were perverts. As more and more became known about it, and studies began to emerge, it was determined that it was NOT an illness, and wasn't as unusual or isolated as was first believed. More recently the Medical Association as well as the Psychiatric Association has ruled that crossdressing is not a sickness or mental illness and is actually quite common. Furthermore, over 90% of crossdressers are totally heterosexual, most are married and have children, they hold well paying jobs - often in highly technical fields, and are very active in community improvements and civic affairs. Not surprisingly some are political officials in high ranking offices and there are many who are in the field of law enforcement. Studies and surveys suggest that the average crossdresser is actually ABOVE average in intelligence.

This may not be any comfort to you since these are all "other" people we are talking about and your problem is very up close and personal. However, that fact remains that you are now aware of your partner's feminine side and nothing I or anyone else can do will ever turn the clock back to where it was before he told you. Therefore we need to work toward what should we do about it now.

There are a few facts that have been confirmed over the years and you need to be aware of them. First, you need to know that, in no way, are you to 'blame' for his unusual desire to dress in women’s' clothes. I would venture to tell you that if you talk to him about it, he will tell you that he was a crossdresser long before the two of you ever met. Furthermore if you dig deeper into his past he will probably relate to you that the first time he ever had such desires was when he was between 6 and 10 years old. Some discover this earlier and some later, but the median age is between 6 and 10. Sexual motivation is not a factor at such an early age (though it may come into play to some extent sometime after puberty) so saying that sexuality is the cause of crossdressing would be an untrue statement.

The motivation for dressing is, in no way, an attempt to provide himself with a substitute for you. In actuality, his appreciation and love for you could be one of the driving factors, but you can bet it's not what got him started originally. Crossdressers have an admiration and appreciation for the feminine persona - especially their wives - that transcends and far surpasses that of a non-crossdressing male. This is actually an asset to the wife or girlfriend if she realizes this, and it can be used greatly to her advantage.

This might sound strange, but he won't be able to tell you just why he enjoys doing this. He might tell you why he THINKS he enjoys it, but medical science has yet to produce a definite cause for this behavior. There are some really interesting and persuasive theories (one of which is discussed elsewhere on this site) as to what causes one to want to crossdress, but at the present time that's all they are - theories.

Now, getting back to your partner. He might be the type of man who would wrestle alligators, fight a man twice his size (and win!), be the winner in a motocross race, or any other act that would prove his fierceness and bravery. But you can take this to the bank - when he told you that he was a crossdresser, it was just about the toughest and most frightening thing he has ever done and you would be wise to recognize this. He's had to carry this around with him his entire lifetime until finally the sneaking around and deceit took its tole and he couldn't bear to keep it from you any longer. He must love you an awful lot to entrust you with a secret such as this because this is something that he has gone to all extremes to keep from everybody.

I have one crossdressing friend who dressed as a female the very first time because his wife asked him to so. This triggered a desire that he had had all of his life, but was completely unaware of until he dressed initially at the instance of his wife. Since that first time he has continued to dress and he and his wife enjoy it together in the privacy of their own home. This is out of the ordinary since, as I've mentioned in other areas of this site, this is something that he was BORN with and it usually manifests itself in adolescence. "BORN WITH?" you ask. Yes, he was born with crossdressing tendencies and there is nothing he could do to prevent it. You might compare it with someone who is born with a physical handicap. Some people come into this world with deformities such as six fingers or toes, blindness, missing or deformed limbs, or thousands of other possibilities. These people were totally helpless to prevent these defects and a great many of them will never see the time when these problems will be corrected because the science and technology is not there to change them. We are compassionate towards these people because we are aware that they had no choice in the condition in which they came into this world. And yet we are quick to ridicule and chastise the crossdresser as if he should have complete control over his tendencies and be able to turn them on or off like a light switch. I can assure you that this is not the case. In recent years, as medical, psychological, counseling, and therapy professionals began to realize that crossdressing is an inborn trait and thus can not be eliminated. 'Treatment' for the condition has been revised to help the crossdresser and spouses learn to cope with the phenomenon and live with it with dignity. 

Support groups for both the crossdresser and his partner are in abundance all over the country and more are being formed every week. The largest and most well organized of these is probably Tri-Ess with chapters in most major cities. This organization has been instrumental in saving many marriages and, in all probability, prevented many potential suicides. It is open to all crossdressers and their spouses/girlfriends, and is well worth investigating. They have a strict set of rules designed and put into place to maintain dignity and respect for every individual who belongs to their organization. Monthly meetings provide a sanctuary for the membership to assemble and discuss whatever is on their minds and there is usually a special support meeting at these monthly get togethers just for the wives and significant others.

I've only begun to touch the highlights here, and I'm sure there are those who will read this who will have serious questions to which they have yet to find answers. That's to be expected and it is often easier to seek answers to some of these questions from a person who is familiar with the subject and with whom you are unacquainted. Likewise, it is often much easier for the crossdresser to ask another crossdresser serious questions. As strange as it might sound, it is also usually less stressful for a crossdresser to talk to a new female acquaintance who is supportive, than it is to talk to his own wife or girlfriend. As a reader, it is assumed that you came to this site looking for information and answers. Maybe you were only curious to see what the site contained. Whatever the reason please feel free to email me at any time if I can answer any questions you might have about anything mentioned here. Bear in mind that I am not a medical professional in any sense of the word, but I can give you my honest and straightforward answers and opinions.

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