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Do's and Don'ts for Crossdressers Who Have Just Come Out

To Their Wife Or Girlfriend

OK, let's say that you've recently revealed your life-long secret to your wife or significant other. She's gotten over the initial shock, has determined to her satisfaction that you're not gay, you're not seeking HRT or SRS, not mentally ill, don't want to actually become a genetic woman, and you've finally managed to convince her that this is not a sexually motivated activity. In addition she has finally conceded that this is not something brought about by her being inadequate in any shape, form, or fashion. You've still got a long way to go before either of you can start getting comfortable with this.

To begin with, she married a MAN, and to many wives, the mental image of you parading about in any combination of a pair of panties, bra, panty hose, makeup, a wig, high-heels, and sporting nail polish is not exactly what she views as her idea of a male role model. So what do you do about it? The main rule here is to exercise self restraint and don't push too fast or too hard. Remember that you have known about this for years and during all that time you've been educating yourself with everything you could find related to crossdressing. 

If there were degrees were issued in the field of crossdressing knowledge like there are for college programs, most CDs would be holding the equivalent of a Master's Degree. So keep this in mind when you are talking to your partner about your alter ego. There is also a substantial chance here that you can overwhelm her with too much information (I tend to call this phenomenon "Information Overload") and do nothing more than create additional confusion. To her the abbreviations 'CD' and 'TV' have always indicated electronic hardware used to bring high quality audio and video entertainment into your home for your enjoyment. Things are now a little more complicated since these same terms can now represent CrossDresser, and TransVestite. It also gets confusing and strange sounding when you refer to yourself or one of your CD friends in the feminine person and then start talking about "her" wife or "her" girlfriend. Sure, I know what I'm talking about, and you know what you're talking about, and to some extent she knows what you're talking about too. But you need to go easy and think about how the things you say might sound strange to her at this point in time. There's a whole "set" of terms and lingo that she's not familiar with and you can't expect her to understand it all at once so stick to familiar terms when you're trying to explain something to her.

One of the main things you don't want to do at this point is to make a bee-line to your wardrobe and makeup case every time you come in the door. These types of actions are the quickest ways I can think of to tear down any progress you've made with your significant other. 

One of my children says I have what is sometimes referred to as "obsessive compulsive" syndrome. In plain language that I can understand and comprehend this means that when I take an interest in something such as a sport or hobby, I REALLY take an interest in it and have a tendency to get into it in a big way, and in a short time. In examining my past interests I've come to the conclusion that she's probably right. I think one of the main reasons I'm like this is that I've always held to the inspiration that if anything is worth doing at all, it's worth doing it RIGHT.

There's not anything wrong with that - right?? WRONG!! You can justify spending money on new fishing equipment, hunting gear, model train components, power saws and drills, and so forth. You might not actually be able to AFFORD these things, but never-the-less they are things about which you don't care who knows you have them. Now try to explain where that hundred dollars that you secretly spent on a new outfit went. Most of the material things necessary for the "properly clad and adorned" crossdresser don't come cheap. On top of that, these items are not typical of the stuff you can brag to your buddies about buying. But MOST importantly remember that (and this is if your wife/girlfriend is aware of and supportive of you) SHE'S going to know about it. It doesn't take long to amass a sizeable collection of goodies, and that little box or tool chest you've been carefully hiding it all in will suddenly be too small to hold it all. 

What I'm saying here is simply that you need to be sure that you keep your supportive S.O. enlightened about your wardrobe and your spending habits and just DON'T overdo it or you'll tear that support completely down.

There are some crossdressers who have the features, skills, and ability to assimilate a real female so well that they can actually look better than their wife or girlfriend. I don't happen fall into this category so I don't have the "problem" (???) associated with it and that is one of jealousy. Yes, I said jealousy! You need to be very careful not to look better than your S.O. - especially the first time she sees you dressed enfemme. I've heard it said that women don't actually dress up to impress men so much as they do to impress other women. This suggests that there is apparently some SERIOUS competition out there amongst the GGs (Genetic Girls) and it's definitely not something that you need to compete against your S.O. in doing.

Therefore, to keep the peace in your relationship, don't try to out-do her. Even if you have the ability and what it takes to look ravishing, don't do it! Leave her some room to make suggestions for improvements. It might surprise you what she can teach you even if you do think you are sufficiently proficient in the art of feminine illusion. A bonus feature is that it will help to have her involved with your alter ego due to the fact that she feels that you need her help and guidance.

And while we're on the subject of your looks, if or when you do present yourself to your beloved, it's a good idea to try to look as lady-like as possible. If you've read my 'standards' elsewhere on this site, you know that I'm a little bit biased here because that's the way I try to look. But there's a big advantage to this - the image of you trying to resemble a classy looking woman is much easier to digest for the wife of a crossdresser who has just been told about your crossdressing. In addition, it's much easier to look 'presentable' in this manner than it is to do so in a sheer negligee or provocative lingerie. Believe me when I say that you stand a better chance of gaining favorable results this way than if you look like you're trying to resemble a common hooker. And guys, let's face it - most of us don't have the natural shape or features to make it to the cover of Cosmo or the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition.

Another big no-no is going to bed dressed and/or made up and then trying to invoke a romantic interlude. Remember, she married a man, and unless she specifically asks you to wear feminine attire to bed, she wants and deserves that man as a romantic partner. A lot of women will cringe at the thought of trying to be romantic with their femininely clothed husband. I've heard that a lot of them liken it to lesbianism and they say that it's a big turn-off for them. Put yourself in their position - would it be romantic for you if she came to bed wearing a pair of your jockey shorts, her breasts bound tightly to her chest, and with the scent of your after shave on her? Still, there are SOME women who actually enjoy having their men enfemme during intimacy and if it's OK with her, then go for it! Just don't try to force yourself on her in a romantic way when you're dressed enfemme.

In summary what I'm trying to say here is to be considerate of her feelings and emotions. If you love your wife/girlfriend and you value your relationship don't try to force something on her that she's not ready to accept or agree to. If she sees that you are genuinely concerned about her apprehensions it will go a long way towards the two of you coming to some mutual agreements.

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